Dana's Show

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My 25 Random Things

Below are 25 random things about me. I would like to tag Lani, Elise, Robin, Erin, DS Dixon (hahaha you know who you are)

1. First and foremost I’d like to say that I never thought I could fill out one of these things because I consider myself to be a relatively normal person…but then again, don’t most people consider themselves to be normal?

2. I have my fair share of pet peeves, but when asked about them I can never remember what they are aside from one: When people drive on the freeway and go back and forth from the gas to the break over and over, creating a rather unpleasant trip for the riders…a whiplash effect if you will. And even if it isn’t that forceful of a transition it is still annoying because it’s a waste of gas.

3. I truly do enjoy running, especially now that I do not competitively run…but to get myself started I need an ultimate goal. This time it is the Moab Half Marathon coming up in just two weeks now!! As a side note, I’ll mention I ran a half marathon once before back in my prime of high school XC training. But never have I run more than those 13 miles. Tomorrow I plan to change that with my last long run before the big day: 14 miles…barely, but still more than 13 J

4. I can honestly say that not a week goes by that I do not make some reference to my favorite movie ELF. This generally comes in the form of quotes, but occasionally I will refer to what people are wearing or to a look-alike.

5. I do not enjoy getting my hair cut. This is most likely because I’m too cheap to fork up the money for a good one, so I’m usually left disappointed. I feel like every time I cut my hair, I’ll try to do something to it that it needs to be longer for.

6. I am from a family of eight children; more specifically I am the second to youngest. I couldn’t have had it any other way, I feel sad for those that came from a smaller family because I love my big family.

7. I like to run my own ship, but often ask for advice…I don’t like being told what to do, but in all actuality I do use other’s opinions a lot (Exception to the rule: I always to what D says)

8. I talk to my mom more than I EVER thought I would, sometimes even twice a day! It makes for a great walk to and from school. She basically knows everything about my life.

9. I am currently enrolled in many fluff classes because I don’t need anymore credits. My two favorite are gymnastics and skiing. My ultimate goal for gymnastics is the splits, but by the looks of it now with 7 weeks left it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. I’m getting closer though! Skiing was much more fun than I ever imagined and am seriously contemplating how to find a cheap pair of skis…we’ll see.

10. I do not particularly enjoy being placed in social situations to make new friends. I know it is good to occasionally branch out, but I much prefer to spend time with the good friends I already have.

11. To contradict #10, here is this story about my childhood: When I was about four or five, I was in awe of my big brother Bren. He was riding his bike to the beach and I wanted to go too but my mom said no. After Bren left, I snuck out of the basement sliding door and followed him. I didn’t make it very far (about a third of a mile) before I couldn’t see him anymore. So I stopped at the top of a hill and waited for about an hour. In the meantime, an older couple had left and come back from a shopping trip. They saw me still there and took me to their house. I was apparently very willing to go with these strangers, especially since they gave me an apple juice box. So I guess I used to do well with strangers.

12. I like to make food, mostly desserts but now that I’m living on my own dime I have cut down greatly on that. I don’t like plain rice and chicken all that much since its really plain. My favorite thing to make is taco burritos. They’ve got a lot in them, they’re super quick to make, they’re toasted, and they have a high satiety factor (I just learned that word in my Nutrition class today so don’t be sad if you don’t know what it means, I’ll tell you: it means it leaves you full longer.) They also are topped by what should be known as the world’s most versatile condiment: Greg’s ranch dressing found at Costco.

13. I enjoy watching movies, even by myself…I suppose you could say I’m comfortable enough with my self esteem level that I don’t need someone to watch with me. Not that I don’t enjoy watching movies with other people, because I like that a lot too.

14. On a similar note, TV is very addictive for me. Once I get started it is very hard to stop. But since I’ve been at college I don’t watch hardly any. Over the summer I did find two new favorite shows though: Just for Laughs Gags (Canadian show-yes I have branched out into other countries) and Wipe Out (a hilarious outdoor obstacle course that is basically impossible so you watch people crash and burn).

15. I am known for saying things (whether they be a twist of the truth or a complete lie) to people in order to get them to react a certain way. A select few people have the honor to be treated this way by me: My mom gets it the most, then my siblings and my closest friends. No worries, I almost immediately afterward tell them the truth.

16. I was Annie in the play in “Annie” when I was in sixth grade. Don’t let this simple fact fool you though. I am no actress and needless to say, my voice has changed a bit since then.

17. The one sibling I talk to the most now is the same one that I fought with the most growing up…Love ya Tricia J She really is a great sister!

18. My summer job of choice is Flagging. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this term, I stand by/on a road and flip the “stop” “slow” paddle in efforts to prevent collisions. This past summer was my first time doing it I met some definite characters.

19. I once made fun of my 17-year-old sister for folding her boots over and tucking her jeans into them, so that approximately 6 inches of sheepskin are showing…and now I have a pair of those very same boots in a different color and wear them the same way. In my defense, I had no idea how wonderfully comfortable they are and how much more convenient it is to have them folded down.

20. Since I was very little, I always went grocery shopping with my Dad. It was our thing, and Michelle (my little sister) would usually come too. I considered this a great bonding time; however once I got my license, Dad was out of the picture. It was now Michelle and Dana bonding…but as part of my retribution from being ditched by my dad, I would throw a few things into the cart of my choosing. This was especially rewarding since I was on their debit card. Don’t go thinking I’m a bad person now, I didn’t do it too much…. Or how bout this, my mom knew very well that I did this, so it was no secret.

21. I was unbelievably lucky upon coming here to BYU because a found a great bunch of friends I love to be around and who I plan to know and stay in contact with for the rest of my life…yes, this means more than Christmas Card friends.

22. I enjoy playing basketball but I have never been very good at it. I sometimes like to just go down to a gym or an outdoor court to shoot around. Putting me in a pick-up game is often a mistake though because I do much better with set plays.

23. My favorite car is and has been for the past few years a Mini Cooper, even though I have yet to drive one, let alone ride in one L

24. I have the biggest sweet tooth out of everyone in my family, by far. In fact my dad told Kim (one of my roommates) that when I left home for college the number of sweets in the house went down significantly. It was not unusual for me to make a large batch of cookies on Sunday and have them be gone on Wednesday. I cannot take full responsibility for their disappearance, but I think they make a great snack.

25. Lastly, something very few people know about me: I am about to be a college dropout. Well, not really. I just found out that I have been accepted into the Utah College of Dental Hygiene in Orem, UT. I’m excited to finally get started in classes that will truly pertain to what I will be doing for a career. The great thing about it is that I still get to live with my friends J Even though I am about to go into more debt than I ever thought I would go into for school, I am so happy!!


Blogger Erin Glover said...

you just copied that out of facebook

March 15, 2009 at 9:34 PM  

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