A New Beginning
So much for trying to catch up from the past three months...it is too daunting a task for me so I will just start fresh with a little story. A few days ago was a very eventful day. Due to this story's long length, I will break it up with some unrelated pictures.
As part of my road trip to San Diego, we walked down the pier downtown and found this bird guy and he started putting these birds all over me...he kept telling me to stay calm, ya right!

It was a Wednesday, which has always meant skiing day every other week this semester. But the first block is over, and so is my ski class. I had lots of fun and still have a season pass up to Sundance so I"m not too sad about the class being over. I wasn't exactly attached to the people in my class, not because they were annoying. I just don't like skiing in a big group. I think it is best to ski with one or two other people. Anyways, that is all beside the point for this story (I suppose I should just go off on tangents like that...my way of catching up I guess).
Whoops #1: Christine's little sister was over and made this out of the Jenga blocks and I lightly brushed by it, knocking it down.

So my itinerary for this particular Wednesday consisted of my New Testament class from 10:00 to 10:50. Then I was going to walk straight to the temple, go on my run, take a quick quiz online, and sell my plasma. It was a great day I had planned out. After class, I decided to grab the car because Logan had parked it near my apartment for my use since he is gone for the rest of the week. I drove up to the temple in the warm sun and gentle breeze, got a great parking spot, and thought of what I needed to grab. All I needed was my temple recommend, right? So I got out, hit the automatic locks, and shut the door. NOOOO. I was wrong. I did need more that my recomment, I needed my keys. BUt what was done was done. My keys could be seen in the car, along with my cell phone and I was stranded at the temple.
Whoops #2: I was using that spoon you see to scrape the excess melted white chocolate out of a bowl and spoon it into my mouth when there was a knock at the door. In my excitement, I ran into those shelfs and they all cam tumbling down.

Amazingly, I was not too stressed out about it and I decided to go along into the temple. It was very relaxing in there, I'm glad I decided to go still. I then checked for a hide-a-key under the front, but had no such luck so I walked the mile or so home. I had no phone, so I wrote my mom an email asking what to do and then went on my run...looked like selling my plasma was not going to be on my agenda for the day after all.
Friends from freshman year celebrating Valentine's Day :) It is now officially a tradition since we've done it two years in a row now

My running route for the day ended up going up and around the temple, second visit of the day. After my run, I made some taco burritos for Kim and I and proceeded to call my mom and dad. Surprise! Mom and Dad are both on flights to watch Tricia play in her last National tournament. After chatting with Erin, I called AAA to see if I had an account. Nope. Then Erin had gotten a hold of my Dad who said we had a Chevron accound. I called them and guess what? Our account had been cancelled Oct 2008. Great. Final Free Option: metal hanger. Apparently it has been done.
Friends from freshman year at a surprise party for Sara Michael!

Erin picked me and Ryan up on her way home from work and I unraveled my sole metal hanger. This was four for four seeing Ryan and Erin (Sunday: dinner at her place with Logan too, Monday: Doing my laundry at her place, Tuesday: dinner at my place with Logan and Dad too, Wednesday: had to do something to see them again), definitely set a record for consecutive days. Hopefully I have not worn our my welcome. Another record set for the day: three times to the temple in just one day! Amazing.
We went skiing up at Deer Valley since we were able to get really cheap life tickets. I got to go of a bunch of little jumps with Diana while Alison and Kayla learned from their friend.

Remember by prime parking spot at the temple? Perfect for the public to view me trying to use a hanger to unlock a car. Yes, my car. But they didn't know that. It didn't end up mattering all that much because we were quick to learn that the rubber seals on the Malibu are very good, too good. I was on my way walking to the front desk of the temple to ask about the possibility of a Security person helping me, when Erin and Ryan called after me to come back.
On our way back from our ski trip we saw this frozen lake and decided to walk on it

Ryan found the long lost hide-a-key which was placed there when my family first got this car. Since this is the internet I probably shouldn't release its whereabouts, but I would have never thought to check there. It took a couple of minutes to open up since no one of its existence and it had not been touched since it was put there. Ryan saved me a call and a bill to the Locksmith; I really owe him and Erin. I started repaying this debt with one little fun size Butterfinger crisp bar a piece. They were on sale a couple of weeks ago so with my sweet tooth, naturally I bought them.
All the sisters, except missing Elise

I think the best part of the night was when I got home and talked to kim. After telling her the story she said, "At least you didn't have to call the Goldsmith." Gread day, a blessing in disguise I suppose. I now know where the hide-a-key is...not htat I intend on ocking my keys in again.
The whole family minus Bren and his family

Dana, so nice to hear from your blog. What an eventful day! I'm glad E and R saved the day :). See you soon....
thanks for finally posting. i loved reading it so much and seeing your pics. you went to San Diego?! When? that is so fun and I want to hear all about it. I'm glad you knocked down the shelves. I did that last semester. i loved your story. I'm busting up laughing. Oh and I'm happy to see that my princess pictures got into the back of that pic. hope you have been using them. love ya!
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