This is the last Ward Wrap up (the meeting on sunday evenings). From the left there is Phil, me, Kim, Ryan, and Jason.

This is a bunch of people from my ward after the last Ward Wrap up!

With Dining Plus there are many options for locations to eat. The skyroom in the Wilk is one of them but none of us really ate there much so we went there for lunch on one of the finals days. It was pretty good food but nothing super special. I'd say that it is over-rated but it was fun to eat there with my friends! This is me, Diana, and Clarissa.

When i was checking out, I had to take the legs off my bed. As you can see, all of my stuff is on top and i was trying to pull up on the bed frame. Ya, i know this was not my brightest moment. Luckily Elizabeth and Kim helped out. Oh ya, and Alison was on the floor pulling down on the legs. It was truly a group effort.

Yoasis, a frozen yogurt place right by Helaman Halls, opened up a couple months before the end of school. Quite frankly, the yogurt by itself isn't very good. But when you add the fresh fruit it is so good!! This is Jason Orme, Ryan Orme, Will, me, Kim, and Jared Tate.

We had a bonfire after classes were over and just before finals. A few guys had some couched they bought from D.I. so we burned them and then got a bunch of crates.

This is Jason, Kim, me, and Alison on bonfire night!

So...notice a pattern?? Some girls on my floor decided that finalsweek should be dress up week. I am sad to report that I did not dress up every day, but I made this one! It is obviously black and white day :)

Out to eat together for the last time at Legends Grill. This is Diana, Alison, me, Sara Callan, Megan, Kelsey, Jill, Sara Michael, Kim, Elizabeth, and Anne.
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