I absolutely LOVE my apartment complex...its called The Colony. First of all, all of my roommates are amazing so that helps tons. Then there is everyone else in the colony that are super nice. We've got a pool that we have definitely gotten the use out of in this first month. Its been a blast!
This is Kim and I on one of our many days at the pool. Too bad its turned from an awesome summer straight to winter :( Too cold for the pool and the hot tub closes in the winter too. Oh well, good days.

Mandy, oh Mandy. I absolutely love this girl. I'm so so glad we're living together, wouldn't have it any other way!

This is the worst part of my semester so far...my printer wouldn't work. I went to Sam's Club and bought a pack for $70 and it still didn't work. So frustrating. Luckily I have and amazing sister and brother-in-law who got a new printer and gave me their old one :) Life is so much better.

This was our first ward activity...the them was 1920's but Kim and I didn't have anything for that. Acacia's costume was AMAZING though. We learned a couple 1920's dances and then had a normal dance party. I had so much fun!