Cornbelly's Corn Maze
Last time we went to visit Erin and Ryan (aka babysit Kherington), they mentioned this corn maze and of course they knew about a discount for the tickets :) Michelle happened to be coming down that weekend so we headed to the Cornbelly's Corn Maze with her friend Sharee, Jamie Turner's brothers (Jamie was one of my favorite leaders in Young Womens), and Mandy and her friend Joyce. What a blast. Seriously.

spencer, Me, Michelle, Sharee, Nathan

This is us in the middle of the corn maze....We decided to go without the clues and just guess all the right turns. Bad idea. We thought we were doing super good because we came up to these stairs and thought it was the exit of the corn maze. Wrong. We were pretty much at the furthest point from the exit. But, one plus was that the stairs led up to a bridge so we knew very well how off we were. I admit we kinda cheated getting back. We hopped down under the bridge and made a B-line for the exit...trial or no (mostly no). After cutting through all the corn stalks we were free! In my defense, we were never told not to do that so its not technically cheating. We didn't want to run out of time to do all the other fun stuff :)
More amazing things that made this my most exciting weekend thus far:

This is the best bike ever. I want one.