I know its been awhile...again. BUT, now that i've made my blog more colorful I think 'll update more often. To make up for all of the lost time, I will share the highlights of my winter semester at BYU.
Awww the Sports My floor put together a basketball team we call "The Order." This is Sara Michael, one of our very supportive fans. She is obviously upset over what must have been a bad call...

Sometimes she just has to take a moment :)

The Team Dads (Jared Tate and Micahel Nelson) came through for us on a great game. They brought us orange slices in ziplock baggies and caprisons! This is Lindsay, me, Kara, Carla, Anne, Jared, Michael, Sara Callan, Kelsey, Emily, and Diana and Katie are on the floor.
Now to REAL College SportsThis was the last Home basketball Game.

This is our cheering section!! Sara Callan, Kelsey, Jill, Anne, Katie, Sara Michael, Kim, and Alison and I are below.

Cheering on the Men's Volleyball Team!!

Men's Volleyball Fans
Kara's Birthday!! We went to Mimi's Cafe. This is Kara and her birthday cake slice!

Kate, me, and Alison enjoying Kara's Birthday
Kim's Birthday!! A bunch of girls from my floor went to Olive Garden to Celebrate.

And when she got back, her room was decorated. So, the next day when she had all these balloons on her floor, I took it upon myself to create a masterpiece. I stuck all of the balloons to her wall!!
Alison's Birthday!! We surprised her by decorating her room while she was gone.
This is Rachel, Sara Michael, Kelsey, Kim, Jen, Elizabeth, and Emily Grace.
Diana's Birthday!! We also surprised her when she came in the door.

HangoutsA group of us went bowling at Fat Cats one night and they are just amazing at taking pictures. There is Kelsey, Jared, me, and Claire.

This was a fun group. There is Kelsey, Claire, Jared, Tommy, and me. Apparently Claire and Jared missed the memo of normal smiles...

This is Kim's friend, Natalie, from Ohio. She goes to Utah State and I was very close to going to Vegas with her and Kim for a little weekend vacation. It didn't work out but she is a fun girl.
Valentine's Day Naturally, on Valentine's day a group of friends from my floor went out to eat. I'm not exactly a huge fan of Valentine's day so I decided to not wear red or pink. But, Kim said i had to have a good attitude so I conformed to the standard pink. Then, I saw that everyone else put their jackets on so I ended up looking like I loved Valentine's day. Oh well. We went to Costa Vida which was very tasty. I'd have to say its very similar to Cafe Rio but Cafe Rio is slightly better.
Laundry I lived on the second floor and the laundry room is all the way in the basement. Usually i save up my laundry for a few weeks and then do like four loads. This particular day, I had already brought up a couple loads and went down to get the rest. But, i forgot my laundry basket. Seeing how the basked was two floors above, I decided to see if I could carry two loads of laundry up the stairs. I did it!! And i just had to show someone so I pushed on Alison's door and guess what happened to be handy?? Her camera :) haha
Family Home Evening
Below is my FHE group. Right to left is Rob, Kim (mom), Emily, Stephen, Michael, Jason, Wyatt (dad), me, and Diana. We usually went on little outings such as this. We looked around at dead animals in the Bean Museum!!

This is another one of our outings. Ice Skating!! There is Eric, me, Tommy, Kim, Diana, Jason, Wyatt, Stephen, Emily, and Anna.

No matter what this looks like, I am actually holding them up...they are just about to bring me down though.... Diana is a pro cause she uses her own skates and can do the little twirley things and some jumps. It was fun to watch her. Every now and then i would try to spin in circles but that often left me barely catching myself from full body contact with the ice...so i left the fancy stuff to Diana.

As you can see, it was pretty busy on FHE night. This is Kim, Tommy, me, and Diana.