I went to the Preference Dance of Friday and it was pretty fun in the scheme of dances I have attended. The girls I hang out with are amazing!! Other than that, I tried to study hard this week because this coming week is going to be REALLY hard. I will pretty much have to lock myself in the library.
This is Kim, Alison and Me after the Preference Dance: Kim is Deb, Alison is Richard Simmon's client, and I am a Pirate!

Diana, Kim, me, and Alison on our way to pick up Cafe Rio for our dinners :)

Matt, me, Carla, and Curis after dinner

Me, Alison (she tends to close her eyes during pics), Kim, Rachel, and Carla

Me, Alison, Rachel, Diana, Carla, and Kim in the "Burrow" (Kim and Diana's room) where we always hang out...we took that couch from the Mez but they haven't notice yet...

On our way to pick up Cafe Rio!

Me, Alison, Kim, Rachel, Carla, (and Curtis who wasn't supposed to be in the pic)...oh well

Kim and Me (and kim's date "Napolean" is behind us: they were in perfect character)

We had a huge group of 22 people (two couples left before this pic...including Diana :(