Whitewater Rafting
My singles ward had an amazing Whitewater Rafting trip so I went up the day before with some friends and we camped out in Leavenworth. It was a blast! I know its a bummer, but I didn't get any pictures of the actual rafting.
My singles ward had an amazing Whitewater Rafting trip so I went up the day before with some friends and we camped out in Leavenworth. It was a blast! I know its a bummer, but I didn't get any pictures of the actual rafting.
It was so great to see Bren, Elise, Brenna, and Eli. They came right after Robin left and it was really good to have people to play with. The weather wasn't too great except for one nice sunny day but we still had fun!
I loved having Robin, Shaun, and Reese here earlier this summer. I had to work pretty hard (without showing it) at making friends with Shaun, but it paid off in the end! A little update: He loves me and asks to call me :) Anyways, we had lots of fun playing and heres some of my favorite pictures from their visit. Oh ya, Fred didn't make it out here so that was too bad but we did still have lots of fun!
Alright. I know I've been a disappointing blogger but now i've got everything from school blogged. Thank you for your patients. I had an amazing time as a freshman, I had even more fun than I anticipated. No worries though, I did alright gradewise. I met some really great people, mostly from my floor and my ward. I also met some great guys through my freshman academy class. Its going to be weird that none of these guys will be there next year, but I'm excited to see all the girls from my floor again in the fall. This fall I will be living on the third floor in the Riviera with five friends from my floor. Diana is my roommate, Alison and Anne are roommates, and Kim and Elizabeth are roommates. I am really excited to get back to school.